Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am an awkward person

That is beyond true. However, my awkwardness seems to become magnified when I mix in long, straight sidewalks and run-ins with people I don't know very well yet who warrant some kind of greeting or acknowledgment. 

So how do I deal with this awkwardness? Well, I stare. At the ground. With. Intense. Concentration. (and yes I am furrowing my brow as I write this)

I figure, why not? It's about finals time. I'm allowed to appear stressed out. Everyone else does! 

What a strange world it is where I would rather appear upset publicly than acknowledge someone from a long distance away and do the casual awkward smile flicker for 200 feet. 

Oh goodness. What will become of me??


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Awkward Waves and iPod Babes

DS Article for this week's Wellesley News:

I’d like to think that I am an outgoing person. It’s a healthy portion of the reason I am able to stand up in front of seventy people at our shows and play inspiring characters such as “The Ice Skating Ninja” and “Three Tits, No Arms.”

            “Wow, Claire! I am so jealous of your outgoing nature!” You say adoringly. “And you have great hair!”

            Well, reader, while your comments are absolutely true, I’m afraid that an outgoing nature tends to end in far more awkward situations than invoke praise and an offer to be Liz Lemon’s personal assistant on “30 Rock.” (By the power of Lorne Michaels, a girl can dream.)

            The second cousin of someone famous once said, “With a great outgoing personality comes great responsibility.” I don’t like responsibility. It sounds like some disease. All I know, reader, is that my blessed nature often leads me to exclaim, “HEY (insert name here)!” and strike a waving pose only natural to a third grader fresh off a Pixie Stick high.

            However, while I do know people on campus, I do not attend a weekly knitting circle with 2,400 Wellesley college students. Now mix that with poor vision and a touch of short-term memory, and you will most likely find me screaming and striking said pose at a complete stranger whose only goal of walking that day was to avoid being taken down by Unicycle Boy. That was before she met me.

            This would not be a problem if my waves were not so unnatural. I wish I could just pretend I was sneezing or spontaneously breaking out into the rumba, or maybe blame my actions on a misguided sighting of the JoBros. Alas, you can’t hide an action that breaks down into what can only be described as part-seizure, part-spastic cheerleader. It’s not exactly a combination found in nature.

            But fear not, reader! After a long-overdue visit to the eye doctor, I began to realize that I do know a lot of people here. Now, I am not one to brag. I will not be relaying stories of many a friendly conversation about world peace or Brangelina or whether or not it would be possible to combine a Buffy and Twilight convention without mass bloodshed. Alas, all these conversations have been held in the company of myself. Er- I mean…my roommate! Yeah that’s right.

            Reader, do you know what I learned about my legions of acquaintances? Almost every single one owns an iPod. Now, no one appreciates the magician that is Steve Jobs more than myself. Just ask anyone about my hobby of making playlists for studying instead of doing my actual work.

However, I find that my respect for his creation dwindles when I run into these friends of mine. I have a lot of time to ponder the evil of the iPod as I am jumping up and down while simultaneously screaming the name of said friend. I am sure that she would appreciate my energy, especially since these exclamations leave me quite winded. (What can I say? I’m dedicated!) But she will never know. She is listening to her iPod at a volume level that can be heard no farther away than Cairo.

            Now, reader, I admit that I also fall prey to what I like to refer to as “plugging in and tuning out.” Sure I listen to my “Where you be walking?” mix as soon as I leave my classroom. I enjoy having a soundtrack to my life. However, I think the time has come for all of us to unplug ourselves and greet each other as normal people do. What do you say?

            No, YOU go first!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Idaho is insane

Or they are geniuses.

This is the ice cream potato. I know what you're thinking "Ali! That's a fucking potato! BAKED! BAKED POTATO!"

Wrong. Oh so wrong. It's a ball of ice cream rolled in cocoa powder to look like a glorious Idaho potato. Topped with whipped cream to look like sour cream.

Then they put hot fudge on the plate with crushed Oreos and almonds. So the potato resemblances stop there.

According to my roommate from Idaho, these glorious examples of American decadence are served at fairs but they are served year round at the West Side Diner prepared by a man mysteriously known as only Chef Lou.

Chef Lou can also ship 4 or 6 oz ice cream potatoes anywhere in the country in packs of 24.

I never have been so proud to be an American. I want to travel to Idaho and eat one of these monstrous pinnacle of deception. This dessert is modern art.

Don't even get me started on the mystery that is Idaho fry sauce. My roommate mentioned it so casually, I'm ashamed I don't know what it is. (But according to it's description, it seems to be ketchup and mayo or Thousand Island Dressing, but still mysterious)

Cat-Duck Love

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

I want to be in this family.

Meet Archie Arnett, heir to the comedy world.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Did you know?

That an Easter bunny is let loose at every religious service and the first one to catch it goes straight to heaven? It's kind of like a Golden Snitch, but instead of achieving Hogwarts glory you get eternal redemption. 

And a lifetime seafood buffet.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Injuries are delicious

rated R for awesome-ness.

i feel like the MPAA is getting lazy with their justifications. why is "partying" included in the PG-13 rating? it's like a G rating including "cuteness".

Gastric Bypass for...Pugs?

(About our pug, Otto)

Dad: He's fat! He's fed too much!
Mom: He is NOT fed too much!
Dad: Is too! And I refuse to pay the vet for his gastric bypass surgery! 

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bitches Ain't Shit

Claire Elizabeth Ayoub I: Ugh this CS assignment is KILLING ME! I've been working on it for 5 hours and the only think that's going well is the fact that my computer hasn't EXPLODED...yet. This assignment makes me want to reevaluate my life and goals and aspirations and invisible friends and hygiene habits and relationships and sexual orientation and Al Gore's facial hair choices and lions and tigers and bears OH MY! I never knew one stupid assignment could go SO WRONG!

Bitch Please: Really? That's interesting. I thought it was easy. 

*Cue my death*

Because I'm Not Funny

An email from my friend:

"I went home for my cousin's wedding this weekend. They had it at Canby Christian that should give you some indication of the level of awkwardness. The mother of the bride was holding a build-a-bear throughout the ceremony. They concluded with a delightful hymn called Household of Faith. It was uncomfortable to say the least. But they were cute with their love and what not. At the reception at my aunt's house in Milwaukie (again, hint hint) Lauren and I drank some beers and climbed the tree in their backyard. Yup..."

Nope sorry.

This one.


I am wearing this everyday until I die.

Colbert is God.

"Vermont just legalized gay marriage. Ben, you can finally propose to Jerry. This is the Colbert Report!"

Gandalf made me do it!

Wouldn't it be awesome if you went into a meeting with your professor and he jumped on the desk and yelled "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

Well at least until you realized how screwed you were. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gummy candies

Direct quote from Olivia: "There doesn't seem to be any "gush" in this "'er."

More ridiculous incidents with professors

So building off the masochism/chauvinism situation, I was just reading comments a professor had written on my last paper. Circled was the word "head." The sentence it corresponded to was as follows: "The men in chains are paying great head to the man in the front."

I wrote head instead of heed. This was the only thing that that was circled and had no comments next to it...FML.

masochism or chauvinism ?

thoughts on which is funnier to substitute for the other in a spanish essay you just turned in to your professor?


So...I just realized for the Spanish paper I turned in on Monday I accidentally used "masoquismo" instead of "chovinismo."

I'll let you look that up.

The Satan Challenge

Claire: I am going to hell anyway.
Person: Oh no, don't say that!
Claire: It's ok; I see it as a challenge.
Nisha: Yes! The Satan Challenge!!

An ultimate day of spacing out

So apparently my brain is completely addled and listening has become a chore rather than just a normal bodily function. But my listening impairment only comes in the way of hearing words referring to boobs whenever Claire speaks. Like today she was commenting on election balloons and I thought she was commenting on a specific person's "balloons," if you will. This problem may soon be transferring to classes I take...sad days ahead.

Update on Boobgate 2009

Apparently, the man from Boobgate 2K9 was one of the two maintenance men. Whether it was Crooked Smile or Glasses, I know not.

Claire apparently blocked it out of her mind.


Have you seen this?

My favorite parts may be such treasures as:

"Barack Hussein Obama II (allegedly born in Honolulu Aug. 4, 1961) is the 44th president of the United States, and previously served as a first-term Democratic Senator from Illinois (2004-2008)."


What a great heading.

The Awkward Boob Brush

To those of you out there who are not as well-endowed as myself (or Haley!), I'm going to let you in on a little secret: Big boobs are awkward. They bounce when you run, they make buttons scream mercy, and they often induce comments such as "You have very nice eyes" from old men. But those all pale in comparison to what happened to me yesterday. I will call this BoobGate. 

This occurred around 2 pm yesterday when I was busy "studying"/blogging/resisting the urge to color in El Table. I really wanted another cup of tea, but two people were keeping me from achieving this dream. I pulled together all my CT-etiquette and said, "Excuse me." The first person, a woman, moved out of the way with a smile. (FYI she will be my favorite of the two) 

Now, the second person, a man, nodded and moved forward about .2 cm.

"Okay, Claire," I said to myself, "No big! You can DO this! You can smell that Irish breakfast tea!"

Seeing as I am very convincing, I decided to go for it. I slid by this man without an issue...that is until my boobs decided they were being neglected. They decided to grow 200% in 2 seconds and dragged across his back as I tried to slide by. ACROSS. HIS. BACK.

"Well excu-USE me!" He said, his voice going up as he realized that it wasn't a hand or a small black bear sliding across his back. 

I now have seen that same man about 8 times since BoobGate. And everytime I do, I happen to become very absorbed in my school work. Academics are, after all, my priority. 

Is Facebook on Zoloft?

There is no "dislike" button on Facebook. For those of you unaware of the current phenomenon on Facebook, people are able to "like" or comment on your status to their heart's content. However, Facebook has decided to take the warm and fuzzy, i-used-to-smoke-3-bowls-a-day-and-now-i-teach-preschool approach to this new development. "Disliking" people's statuses is not an option. After all, that would breed poor self-esteem and self-worth, and little Timmy or Tammy wouldn't be asked to play dodgeball or princesses or dodging princesses at school.

However I have my own issue with this. Instead of people "disliking" my heartfelt Jonas Bros inspired status by pushing a simple button, they have to TELL me about it. They have to physically compute words about how they hate my status and think that Kevin is totally cute not Joe. I would much rather have the option to hit dislike. It's like ripping off a bandaid! Just DO IT! Don't raise my expectations by telling me Suzie commented on my status, then make me go through the painful Wellesley internet connection only to find that Suzie wrote explatives/Miley Cyrus lyrics all over my status! Come on Zuckerberg!

Still there is something even worse occuring these days. There are people who "like" awful statuses. For example: 

~"My dog just died" LIKE!
~"I'm busy vomiting on my emotional rollercoaster" LIKE!
~"I think I'm preggers :(" LOVE THAT!

OPRAH! Get out of here! Go yell at James Fray. Again. Hell hath no fury like a yo-yo dieting media titan scorned.

Anywho: How come facebook welcomes my 96 year old great grandmother and my polygamist second cousins, but can't put up with a little negativity? I find it especially awful since I don't have a 96 year old great grandmother and...uh...well the polygamist cousins are...

Hold up. FBI's here.

To Thaddeus, Susan, Becky and Barb: 
If you're reading this...RUN!

But don't worry. If you write about this on your FB status, I'll "like" it!

Transmissions from El Table

Every week two older guys who work for WC maintenance come into El Table and order the same thing.

One of them is tall with glasses, usually wearing a baseball hat.
Glasses: A large tea with a little cold water at the top, and these two cookies, please.

The other is shorter with a crooked smile.
Crooked Smile: A large coffee, please.

Me: Um, that will be...(attempts to hide finger-counting), I'm really um...sleepy today. (Gets out calculator). $3.35.

Glasses: (Looking at me carefully) I think that's $3.65.
Me: Ah, ha! Ha! Ha-yes.
Crooked Smile: (from the refrigerator) I'm trying to get the honey out! You think I can get the honey out?
Glasses: Lemme see.
Crooked Smile: Its pooled on the side of the head. (Holds up honey bear sideways).
Me: Here, I'll get you some more honey.
Glasses: Thank you.

I squeeze new honey into the honey bear and hand it to Crooked Smile. He hands it to Glasses. Glasses pours it into his tea.

Glasses: How's Oregon?
Me: Good.

Both: Alright, see you next week.
Me: Bye!!!

The exact same thing. Every time.

France's New Strategy

Based on True Events

"Meeting now in Session for the vote to re-open the University"
"Who are you?"
"We're the Anti-Blockade Students Union of Communism and Baguettes"
"Well, what do you want?"
"Fine, We, The Students for Socialism, Blockades, and Stripes, declare now is the time to vote for the blockade. All Opposed""
"So that's no votes because the ABSUBC coalition walked out. All in Favor? Oh wait, it's just us, the SSBS, left. BLOCKADE CONTINUES!!!!"

-Author's Note: I wish I were kidding.


your psych-out moment for today

Shawn Spencer: Good morning detectives, collecting money for the Policeman's ball?
Carlton Lassiter: We don't have balls.
Shawn Spencer: I honestly have no response to that.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rape of the Lock?????

No for all you pedants out there I am not referring to Alexander Pope. So you can put away your ascots once more and take a breather. This is concerning Bond. James Bond. And more specifically Camille Montes aka the girl with the most bangin hair and I do mean that because she has cray cray bangs. My biggest concern throughout "Quantum of Solace" was of course the protection of her hair. I could care less bout this mysterious "Quantum." But when a mean lookin son of a gun pulls Camille's hair you best believe that I am on the edge of my frickin seat (by seat I mean the edge of a precariously high bed from which I can survey my subjects). So this is to you Olga Kurylenko (Camille Montes) say that 5 times fast- for having it all-and by that I mean a fierce head of hair.

Language Barrier

I am currently in accounting class after the norovirus outbreak cancelled last week's class. Perhaps it was the time away, but I never realized how funny my professor's accent is. He's a legit Bostonian, with the potential to make Eliza Doolittle blush. 

"Oh Claire, why has it taken you 2 months to realize this??" you ask me! (roll with it)
Well, Voice, he keeps saying "forty."
It sounds like "farty."

I am 2.

Practice Response

Bogue: WZLY
Ali: Oldies "W-W-W-What is up everyone out there in radio land?! Let's boot it up and rack it back!"
I just imitated my dad for 4 minutes.

Spotted: Skunkhead sans Skunkhair

Is it true? Riddle me this. What happens to a skunkhead when he sheds his skunkhair? I am going to take a wild guess and say he becomes a character Billy Joad, a drunken farmer prone to lashing the youngins. Youngins papa's home and you ain't gonna like it. Watch out for chewin' tobaccy.

Deep Thoughts: N'Sync

I was listening to "Tearin' Up My Heart" by N'Sync and began to wonder: what ever happened to the skunk-haired one? Chris Kirpatrick? Everyone else turned out relatively okay. JTimberlake is dating a hottie and is jizzing in his pants on national television. JC is famous for something. I think. Joey was in My Large Obese Greek Nuptials which makes him a star in my book. Lance Bass is a gay dancing star which just makes him untouchable. But poor skunkhead is nowhere to be found! 

Dear Teen Stardom,
You're tearin' up my heart.

Deep Thoughts: Harry Potter

(Starbucks) There are two children faking a lightsaber fight with coffee stirrers. One looks like Harry Potter but without the scar or emotional issues. Maybe he's magical. Maybe he knows what I'm thinking. I will now stop thinking.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Human-Goat Reproduction.

Radio Stations Pt. deux

WZLY, Warzone Radio Station, Reggaetone, Top 40, Angry chicks with guitars, Nisha's shushing me now

Katie tucked her pj pants into her rainboots and they be poppin'

Toria is british. I think she's a spy.

Lilli is not a vegetarian.

Katie wants to sleep with Jesus.

Missy is talking to herself.

Abbot and Costello are Scottish.

Homosexual scourge things.

Abbott and Costello like asking questions.

Shamika wants da tickets fo da rapper and-

Bitches ain's shit.

Katie's cat is going to hell.

The british empire is going down.

To the walls

Creed is gross.

Mom's still talking to herself.

Jesus christ be poppin

Albums be pimpin'



Mom: Kat, did you have something to say?
Kat: No.

Mom: Ok...anyone else want to play? ...Anyone?

Radio Stations

Dale in his car. big Tommy and the two bops. dames and lads. Dolores' birthday.

Live Blogging Practice, 4/6

Mom is not very happy with us this evening.

It may be because her plans to print out a copy of her plan for practice today were foiled by the Beebe printer.

Claire just snapped and pointed at her.

We are now on to discussing the game, "Radio Stations," which last year turned out to be:
Emily Bogue: WZLY
Everyone else: ?

Who am I?

Don't know. Just became self-aware.

The Starbucks Family

Now to be sure, my hometown is a great deal like Wellesley. It's actually creepy how many stores we have in common, and how the teenagers drink enough alcohol to make Mel Gibson blush. BUT there is one thing that separates the two in my mind: the Starbucks Family.

No, this isn't a clever marketing ploy. No, there are not small figurines of families overindulging in frappuccinos and rainbow cookies (SO DELICIOUS). This is a movement within the customer-base itself.

(Mother enters with two children)
Mother: What do you want?
Androgenous Toddler: alkfjel;fjka;olfjae
Mother: Oatmeal? You want Oatmeal?
A.T.: aeo;flkjew;lfdrooleverywhere

Keep in mind, she is screaming this to her children because yelling at them makes them hear good. And the din in the place is similar to a mausoleum. But yelling builds character and a strong immune system.

When did people start feeding their children at starbucks? What happened to Frosted Flakes? L'eggo my eggos? Scrambled eggs? Dinosaur oatmeal? (Which I have yet to try but a girl can dream *sigh*).

Before you know it, mothers will bring their children to Starbucks to spend quality time with them. Oh wait...they do. I call it "Nanny-free Sundays". My favorite day of the week to people watch. Nanny's day off means mommy and daddy have to spend quality time with the kiddos. A bonding experience if you will. What else should the parent-child bond consist of than high-caffeinated/sugar-saturated beverages? It's like Mommy and Me 2.0. But Jittery & Sugar-high.

In conclusion, I'd like to think people have houses for a reason. Starbucks is not an extension of your kitchen, nor your playroom. Even I don't do my coloring there, and I color quite a lot.

To the mothers of the world: Keep your screaming daughters and androgenous toddlers in the house until at least after naptime. And good luck when your kid is at their overpriced psychologist with detachment issues and a caffeine addiction.

New At CVS

While we're on the subject of goats...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thanks, Darcy

Laugh Attacks

Today I am here to ask you to donate to the Center for the Larengitis Augmentation Uber GrossWanna Hockaloogey Appalachian Tarantula Territorial Ack! Camp Ottowana Kix Disease Research, which is working as hard as possible to put this disease to rest. Larengitis Augmentation Uber GrossWanna Hockaloogey Appalachian Tarantula Territorial Ack! CampOttowana Kix Disease (otherwise known as "L.A.U.G.H.A.T.T.A.C.K") is a serious illness that has affected millions of people around the world. 

Are you at risk for "L.A.U.G.H.A.T.T.A.C.K.?" 
Symptoms include:
  • Abdominal pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Over-active tear ducts
  • Uncontrolled animal-like noises
  • Mild lizzing
If you have at least 8 of these symptoms, please consult your doctor today. Remember, this disease is highly infectious. 

Your donation is greatly appreciated.

The Force

Funny Pics / The Force

Ahh, nevermind guys.

I found out how to make a new post.

In addition to goats.


What is Missy? Who is Missy? What does this Missy stand for? How can this Missy influence our lives? These few questions are for us all to ponder.


Here at Dead Serious we have considering a very important issue:


Why? I mean, why? Just--why? Why? Why? Why?

Alternatively, why?

Please write to your congressman to address this important topic.
